Monday, 1 May 2017

Arnold Keith Roberts remembered

I think he'd be quite chuffed seeing his two kids, now in their mid 50s hiking the trail together.
He was a walker. We can never forget the walks in Inyanga. He'd stride ahead the rest in tow. Ma shouting for him to slow down, Spidz would have me in am arm lock, telling me what a looser i was, Huns and Kev would be jumping in the water, with poor Lottie somewhere amongst this mayhem. Know wonder he was striding ahead. Those bloody kids he'd be mumbling. Obviously referring to Gary and Kev. Or maybe he was striding ahead to get to the Rhodes Inyanga hotel for a dorp. Yes that was the most likely scenario.
Yes overall, i think he'd be pretty chuffed with the way his kids turned out. His grand kids. He'd be very chuffed one of them married an engineer. A civil engineer at that. He was proud of his profession. Taught me a few things. Ok, we all ducked for cover when he was surveying and needed some one to hold up the measuring pole thingy. I hid in the cupboard once. Only because Tiad had Stent a parcel. With dinkies in. And i wanted the truck. So Spidz went, again. Spidz normally went. The rest of us being useless, having an u attention span of a nat.
So on the 3rd may we remember.

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