Thursday, 27 April 2017

Bibulmun day Zero

Haven't started the trail yet. Checking out the latest happenings in kevy kitchen is an adventure in its self.
Was treated to his latest morning shake. A concoction that his mommy would be proud of.
Obviously has all the hot trendy super foods;  top pet food of 2015 - kale. 2016 turmeric, yet so much more. Base of coconut water, very trendy. Traditional shake ingredients like a banana and green apple, organic of course. Followed by numerous condiments; pepper, cayenne pepper, but most interestingly 'Activated' charcoal powder, that according to the healer are bio activating agents. These release all the goodness from the other foods. This is topped with shredded coconut and a yet to be discovered berry with an unpronouncable name.
While not looking too appetizing, it actually treated rather good. The peppers giving it a bit of a zing. He's a lovely healthy boy. No wonder he's mothers favourite.

There was the welcoming party at perth airport. Who did actually find the right terminal. Yes, the modern perth had more that one terminal.
We sorted out the packs. Dispite it being well passed paradza bed time. There were some skeptical on lookers amused as to how we were going to fit all the food in. Let's just say the dynamic brother duo will not go hungry anytime soon.
Packing the night before meant obligatory swim at city beach. Not to long. As mandatory coffee followed. And here to was a new innovation. A simple skinny capiccino just doesn't cut it any more. This is a blob of coconut oil, cayenne pepper, something else. Mixed in a specimen container at home. You order a long black and mix on situ. And it was quite flavorsome.
It has to be said he, big kev, has withered away a bit and at weigh in. Was sub 100kg (98.8). For the record Huns the Hof 98.2. Paradza a skinny 81.1. And pack wieghts; paradza; 17 kg. Hof 25. Minus water. Let's hope there's no quick sand on them western Australia beaches. Huns will be sucked under in a flash with that weight!
Should have been an uneventful trip to the bus terminus. Except pasta released her left his phone. So kev kindly dashed back and delivered it back in the nick of time. What a klutz.