Friday, 24 October 2014

K2K in a day

What can you say about K2K in a day
You could say the Narrow Neck walk is the longest 9.235kms and a few millimeters known to man
You can also say a 4 am wake up call is downright impolite
lets not talk about that retched decent down 'strong leg' more like 'weak knee'.
We're on a roll here..
How's the extra payload of water in your shoe's as you stagger up 'bad' dog!
Well its no good yellow pup is it?
Then again there is some serious pay back for your efforts
You can say the views were most awesome, Kanagawa walls, Goowong was it, serious eye candy.....
You gotta love the names along the way; rip rack roar & rumble or how about high & mighty. They must have been conjured up at the pink palace after several too many.
And you can most certainly say is all the more enjoyable to share it with people who have such a passion and love of the aussie bush.
To meet new people from all walks, with that common interest.
You gotta say, love 'Stralia, folk from the 4 corners; a tramper, rambler,  Marcheur, strapper, yuanzu, a few bushwalkers thrown in for good measure.  Meeting up on a for a  fine day of 'type 2' fun.
And some mighty fine leadership, good onya Francis and Alan.